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About Us

mama liang
Pork Scallion Thumb Bun

The Story of Loves Dumpling House – A Legacy of Love

At Loves Dumpling House, every bite tells a story—one of love, tradition, and family. It all begins with Mama Liang, whose passion for cooking started with her three children. For her, every meal was more than just food; it was her way of showing care, nurturing her family, and bringing them joy.


Mama Liang always said, “When my kids are full, I can work with peace of mind.” From making the dough to seasoning the filling and folding each dumpling by hand, she poured her heart into every step. Her dumplings weren’t just a meal—they were little bundles of love, made to keep her family happy and healthy.


Now, with her children grown and successful, Mama Liang’s dream is to share that same love and tradition with everyone who walks through our doors. At Love’s Dumpling House, we’re all about fresh, handmade, and wholesome food. Every dumpling is made from scratch, using only the finest, freshest ingredients. We never use additives because we believe in serving meals that are both delicious and good for you.


Dumplings, for us, aren’t just food—they’re a piece of Chinese culture, a tradition that brings people together. Mama Liang believes that just like her handmade dumplings, Chinese cuisine is timeless and full of heart. It’s about creating something meaningful, something that lasts.


When you taste a dumpling at Love’s Dumpling House, you’re tasting decades of care and dedication. From premium pork belly to fresh vegetables, every ingredient is personally chosen by Mama Liang herself. She always says, “It’s worth it to spend a little more to make sure our guests enjoy food that’s fresh, healthy, and full of love.”


We hope that when you visit, you feel like you’re part of our family. At Love’s Dumpling House, every dish is crafted to bring a little warmth, comfort, and happiness to your day. Thank you for being part of our story—we can’t wait to share our love of dumplings with you! ❤️

梁妈妈手工水饺的故事 - 爱的传承



梁妈妈的一生,都围绕着她的三个孩子展开。从孩子们牙牙学语到成长为独立的人,她每天醒来的第一件事就是为他们准备健康又好吃的食物。她总说:“孩子吃饱了,妈妈才能安心干活。”这是一个母亲最质朴的心愿,也是她对家庭无私付出的体现。梁妈妈的水饺,是她最拿手的家常菜,也是孩子们心中最难以忘怀的味道。从和面,到调馅,包饺子,整个过程没有捷径,只有用心。她说:“每一个饺子都像是我对孩子的牵挂,皮薄馅满,味道要足够好,才能让他们吃得开心,也吃得健康。” 如今,孩子们长大成人,梁妈妈却依然愿意每天早起,重复当年的忙碌。只是这一次,她想把那份浓浓的母爱和对中华美食的热爱,分享给更多人。



水饺不仅仅是一道菜,更是一种文化的传承。梁妈妈相信,中华的美食文化就像这些水饺一样,细腻却扎实,经得起时间的考验,也能穿越地域与时代,温暖更多人。当你品尝到梁妈妈手工水饺的那一刻,也许能感受到她的初心:孩子们曾经的幸福,是她的动力;而如今,让每一位客人吃到健康美味的水饺,则是她的心愿。店里的每一个食材都是梁妈妈亲自挑选的, 肉也选的是好的五花肉,不是廉价合成肉。梁妈妈一直秉持着的物美价廉,健康,客人吃着放心。


我们希望,这份母爱的传承,能成为每一位客人记忆中的一部分。欢迎大家到Loves Dumpling House,梁妈妈饺子馆,在这里,每一颗饺子都承载着母爱的初心与对美食文化的热爱。希望您在品尝的同时,也能感受到我们对品质与健康的坚持。谢谢您的光临,让我们一起传递这份手工打造的爱与温暖!❤️

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